KDTree = new Object(); KDTree._hPoint = function KDTree__hPoint(x, n) { this.coord = new Array(x.length); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { this.coord[i] = x[i]; } } KDTree._hPoint.sqrdist = function KDTree__hPoint$sqrdist(x, y) { var dist = 0; for (var i = 0; i < x.coord.length; ++i) { var diff = (x.coord[i] - y.coord[i]); dist += (diff * diff); } return dist; } KDTree._hPoint.eucdist = function KDTree__hPoint$eucdist(x, y) { return Math.sqrt(KDTree._hPoint.sqrdist(x, y)); } KDTree._hPoint.prototype = { coord: null, clone: function KDTree__hPoint$clone() { return new KDTree._hPoint(this.coord, this.coord.length); }, equals: function KDTree__hPoint$equals(p) { for (var i = 0; i < this.coord.length; ++i) { if (this.coord[i] !== p.coord[i]) { return false; } } return true; }, toString: function KDTree__hPoint$toString() { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.coord.length; ++i) { s = s + this.coord[i] + ' '; } return s; } } KDTree._hRect = function KDTree__hRect(vmin, vmax) { this.min = vmin.clone(); this.max = vmax.clone(); } KDTree._hRect.infiniteHRect = function KDTree__hRect$infiniteHRect(d) { var vmin = new KDTree._hPoint(new Array(d), d); var vmax = new KDTree._hPoint(new Array(d), d); for (var i = 0; i < d; ++i) { vmin.coord[i] = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; vmax.coord[i] = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return new KDTree._hRect(vmin, vmax); } KDTree._hRect.prototype = { min: null, max: null, clone: function KDTree__hRect$clone() { return new KDTree._hRect(this.min, this.max); }, closest: function KDTree__hRect$closest(t) { var p = new KDTree._hPoint(new Array(t.coord.length), t.coord.length); for (var i = 0; i < t.coord.length; ++i) { if (t.coord[i] <= this.min.coord[i]) { p.coord[i] = this.min.coord[i]; } else if (t.coord[i] >= this.max.coord[i]) { p.coord[i] = this.max.coord[i]; } else { p.coord[i] = t.coord[i]; } } return p; }, intersection: function KDTree__hRect$intersection(r) { var newmin = new KDTree._hPoint(new Array(this.min.coord.length), this.min.coord.length); var newmax = new KDTree._hPoint(new Array(this.min.coord.length), this.min.coord.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.min.coord.length; ++i) { newmin.coord[i] = Math.max(this.min.coord[i], r.min.coord[i]); newmax.coord[i] = Math.min(this.max.coord[i], r.max.coord[i]); if (newmin.coord[i] >= newmax.coord[i]) { return null; } } return new KDTree._hRect(newmin, newmax); }, area: function KDTree__hRect$area() { var a = 1; for (var i = 0; i < this.min.coord.length; ++i) { a *= (this.max.coord[i] - this.min.coord[i]); } return a; }, toString: function KDTree__hRect$toString() { return this.min + '\n' + this.max + '\n'; } } KDTree.KDTree = function KDTree_KDTree(k) { this._m_K = k; this._m_root = null; } KDTree.KDTree.prototype = { _m_K: 0, _m_root: null, _m_count: 0, insert: function KDTree_KDTree$insert(key, value) { if (key.length !== this._m_K) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } else { try { this._m_root = KDTree._kdNode.ins(new KDTree._hPoint(key, key.length), value, this._m_root, 0, this._m_K); } catch (e) { throw e; } } this._m_count++; }, search: function KDTree_KDTree$search(key) { if (key.length !== this._m_K) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } var kd = KDTree._kdNode.srch(new KDTree._hPoint(key, key.length), this._m_root, this._m_K); return ((!kd) ? null : kd.v); }, remove: function KDTree_KDTree$remove(key) { if (key.length !== this._m_K) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } else { var t = KDTree._kdNode.srch(new KDTree._hPoint(key, key.length), this._m_root, this._m_K); if (!t) { throw new Error('KeyMissing'); } else { t.deleted = true; } this._m_count--; } }, nearest: function KDTree_KDTree$nearest(key, n) { if (n < 0 || n > this._m_count) { throw new Error('Number of neighbors cannot be negative or greater than number of nodes'); } if (key.length !== this._m_K) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } var nbrs = new Array(n); var nnl = new KDTree._nearestNeighborList(n); var hr = KDTree._hRect.infiniteHRect(key.length); var max_dist_sqd = Number.MAX_VALUE; var keyp = new KDTree._hPoint(key, key.length); KDTree._kdNode.nnbr(this._m_root, keyp, hr, max_dist_sqd, 0, this._m_K, nnl); for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var kd = nnl.removeHighest(); nbrs[n - i - 1] = kd.v; } return nbrs; }, range: function KDTree_KDTree$range(lowk, uppk) { if (lowk.length !== uppk.length) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } else if (lowk.length !== this._m_K) { throw new Error('KeySize'); } else { var v = []; KDTree._kdNode.rsearch(new KDTree._hPoint(lowk, lowk.length), new KDTree._hPoint(uppk, uppk.length), this._m_root, 0, this._m_K, v); var o = new Array(v.length); for (var i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { var n = v[i]; o[i] = n.v; } return o; } }, toString: function KDTree_KDTree$toString() { return this._m_root.toString(0); }, itemCount: function() { return this._m_count; } } KDTree._kdNode = function KDTree__kdNode(key, val) { this.k = key; this.v = val; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.deleted = false; } KDTree._kdNode.ins = function KDTree__kdNode$ins(key, val, t, lev, K) { if (!t) { t = new KDTree._kdNode(key, val); } else if (key.equals(t.k)) { if (t.deleted) { t.deleted = false; t.v = val; } else { } } else if (key.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { t.right = KDTree._kdNode.ins(key, val, t.right, (lev + 1) % K, K); } else { t.left = KDTree._kdNode.ins(key, val, t.left, (lev + 1) % K, K); } return t; } KDTree._kdNode.srch = function KDTree__kdNode$srch(key, t, K) { for (var lev = 0; t; lev = (lev + 1) % K) { if (!t.deleted && key.equals(t.k)) { return t; } else if (key.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { t = t.right; } else { t = t.left; } } return null; } KDTree._kdNode.rsearch = function KDTree__kdNode$rsearch(lowk, uppk, t, lev, K, v) { if (!t) { return; } if (lowk.coord[lev] <= t.k.coord[lev]) { KDTree._kdNode.rsearch(lowk, uppk, t.left, (lev + 1) % K, K, v); } var j; for (j = 0; j < K && lowk.coord[j] <= t.k.coord[j] && uppk.coord[j] >= t.k.coord[j]; j++) { } if (j == K) { v.push(t); } if (uppk.coord[lev] > t.k.coord[lev]) { KDTree._kdNode.rsearch(lowk, uppk, t.right, (lev + 1) % K, K, v); } } KDTree._kdNode.nnbr = function KDTree__kdNode$nnbr(kd, target, hr, max_dist_sqd, lev, K, nnl) { if (!kd) { return; } var s = lev % K; var pivot = kd.k; var pivot_to_target = KDTree._hPoint.sqrdist(pivot, target); var left_hr = hr; var right_hr = hr.clone(); left_hr.max.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; right_hr.min.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; var target_in_left = target.coord[s] < pivot.coord[s]; var nearer_kd; var nearer_hr; var further_kd; var further_hr; if (target_in_left) { nearer_kd = kd.left; nearer_hr = left_hr; further_kd = kd.right; further_hr = right_hr; } else { nearer_kd = kd.right; nearer_hr = right_hr; further_kd = kd.left; further_hr = left_hr; } KDTree._kdNode.nnbr(nearer_kd, target, nearer_hr, max_dist_sqd, lev + 1, K, nnl); var nearest = nnl.getHighest(); var dist_sqd; if (!nnl.isCapacityReached()) { dist_sqd = Number.MAX_VALUE; } else { dist_sqd = nnl.getMaxPriority(); } max_dist_sqd = Math.min(max_dist_sqd, dist_sqd); var closest = further_hr.closest(target); if (KDTree._hPoint.eucdist(closest, target) < Math.sqrt(max_dist_sqd)) { if (pivot_to_target < dist_sqd) { nearest = kd; dist_sqd = pivot_to_target; if (!kd.deleted) { nnl.insert(kd, dist_sqd); } if (nnl.isCapacityReached()) { max_dist_sqd = nnl.getMaxPriority(); } else { max_dist_sqd = Number.MAX_VALUE; } } KDTree._kdNode.nnbr(further_kd, target, further_hr, max_dist_sqd, lev + 1, K, nnl); var temp_nearest = nnl.getHighest(); var temp_dist_sqd = nnl.getMaxPriority(); if (temp_dist_sqd < dist_sqd) { nearest = temp_nearest; dist_sqd = temp_dist_sqd; } } else if (pivot_to_target < max_dist_sqd) { nearest = kd; dist_sqd = pivot_to_target; } } KDTree._kdNode._pad = function KDTree__kdNode$_pad(n) { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s += ' '; } return s; } KDTree._kdNode._hrcopy = function KDTree__kdNode$_hrcopy(hr_src, hr_dst) { KDTree._kdNode._hpcopy(hr_src.min, hr_dst.min); KDTree._kdNode._hpcopy(hr_src.max, hr_dst.max); } KDTree._kdNode._hpcopy = function KDTree__kdNode$_hpcopy(hp_src, hp_dst) { for (var i = 0; i < hp_dst.coord.length; ++i) { hp_dst.coord[i] = hp_src.coord[i]; } } KDTree._kdNode.prototype = { k: null, v: null, left: null, right: null, deleted: false, toString: function KDTree__kdNode$toString(depth) { var s = this.k + ' ' + this.v + ((this.deleted) ? '*' : ''); if (this.left) { s = s + '\n' + KDTree._kdNode._pad(depth) + 'L ' + this.left.toString(depth + 1); } if (this.right) { s = s + '\n' + KDTree._kdNode._pad(depth) + 'R ' + this.right.toString(depth + 1); } return s; } } KDTree._nearestNeighborList = function KDTree__nearestNeighborList(capacity) { this.m_Capacity = capacity; this.m_Queue = new KDTree._priorityQueue(this.m_Capacity, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } KDTree._nearestNeighborList.prototype = { m_Queue: null, m_Capacity: 0, getMaxPriority: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$getMaxPriority() { if (!this.m_Queue.length()) { return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return this.m_Queue.getMaxPriority(); }, insert: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$insert(_object, priority) { if (this.m_Queue.length() < this.m_Capacity) { this.m_Queue.add(_object, priority); return true; } if (priority > this.m_Queue.getMaxPriority()) { return false; } this.m_Queue.remove(); this.m_Queue.add(_object, priority); return true; }, isCapacityReached: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$isCapacityReached() { return this.m_Queue.length() >= this.m_Capacity; }, getHighest: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$getHighest() { return this.m_Queue.front(); }, isEmpty: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$isEmpty() { return !this.m_Queue.length(); }, getSize: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$getSize() { return this.m_Queue.length(); }, removeHighest: function KDTree__nearestNeighborList$removeHighest() { return this.m_Queue.remove(); } } KDTree._priorityQueue = function KDTree__priorityQueue(capacity, maxPriority) { this._maxPriority = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; this._maxPriority = maxPriority; this._init(capacity); } KDTree._priorityQueue.prototype = { _data: null, _value: null, _count: 0, _capacity: 0, _init: function KDTree__priorityQueue$_init(size) { this._capacity = size; this._data = new Array(this._capacity + 1); this._value = new Array(this._capacity + 1); this._value[0] = this._maxPriority; this._data[0] = null; }, add: function KDTree__priorityQueue$add(element, priority) { if (this._count++ >= this._capacity) { this._expandCapacity(); } this._value[this._count] = priority; this._data[this._count] = element; this._bubbleUp(this._count); }, remove: function KDTree__priorityQueue$remove() { if (!this._count) { return null; } var element = this._data[1]; this._data[1] = this._data[this._count]; this._value[1] = this._value[this._count]; this._data[this._count] = null; this._value[this._count] = 0; this._count--; this._bubbleDown(1); return element; }, front: function KDTree__priorityQueue$front() { return this._data[1]; }, getMaxPriority: function KDTree__priorityQueue$getMaxPriority() { return this._value[1]; }, _bubbleDown: function KDTree__priorityQueue$_bubbleDown(pos) { var element = this._data[pos]; var priority = this._value[pos]; var child; for (; pos * 2 <= this._count; pos = child) { child = pos * 2; if (child !== this._count) { if (this._value[child] < this._value[child + 1]) { child++; } } if (priority < this._value[child]) { this._value[pos] = this._value[child]; this._data[pos] = this._data[child]; } else { break; } } this._value[pos] = priority; this._data[pos] = element; }, _bubbleUp: function KDTree__priorityQueue$_bubbleUp(pos) { var element = this._data[pos]; var priority = this._value[pos]; while (this._value[pos / 2] < priority) { this._value[pos] = this._value[pos / 2]; this._data[pos] = this._data[pos / 2]; pos /= 2; } this._value[pos] = priority; this._data[pos] = element; }, _expandCapacity: function KDTree__priorityQueue$_expandCapacity() { this._capacity = this._count * 2; }, clear: function KDTree__priorityQueue$clear() { for (var i = 1; i < this._count; i++) { this._data[i] = null; } this._count = 0; }, length: function KDTree__priorityQueue$length() { return this._count; } }